Products Line
BenessereMoringa proposes a complete line of food supplements based on Moringa oleifera and plant extracts.

Food supplement useful in all cases of insufficient supply of nutrients on diets. It is suitable for people who make intense exercise, even at a competitive level.

Food supplement useful to support the tropism of bone tissue and Vitamin D that contributes to normal blood calcium level and to maintain normal bones.

Food supplement useful to support the depurative functions of the organism and the skin well-being.

Food supplement useful to keep the regularity of the intestine.
Suitable for people who suffer of constipation and of irritable colon.

Food supplement based on Moringa, ananas juice, with dandelion, birch, asparagus, nettle and fumitory, useful for the depurative functions of the organism and with meadowsweet and goldenrod for the drainage of body fluids.

Food supplement based on Moringa, manna (?) useful to support the regularity of the intestinal transit and to eliminate the gases.
With artichoke, mint and helichrysum supporting the digestive function.